Mar 13, 2011

i love you to death

i love my father to death, and my mom too. but today i'm gonna write about my father. I love him so much, no one can replace him.  He's the AWESOMEST person in the world. he's my everything. I used to be afraid of him, because we didn't talk much back then, he was busy with works and i was in boarding school but after my spm, we stay together in the house for like almost 7months. he just retired. So everyday, we would go out for lunch. just the two of us, because my mother was working at that time.

That was the best moment.We got to know each other.I know that he loves my mother so much. Although he never says 'I love you' to my mum in front of me, but I know that he loves her. When I look at myself in the mirror, I see him. We're like the same soul in diff.bodies. both of us like sushi, aiskrim potong :), sleep :P...etc. when u first meet us, u'll notice that both of us doesn't talk much. we're like very quiet, people usually talk to us first. I'm shy, but I don't know about my father. and We're cool. haha

Ayah, I'll do everything I could to make you n mak proud of me. I'm gonna make ur hardwork pay off. InshaAllah I'll be a good daughter to you, I'll never forget everything that u've done to me and abang2. I'll be there for u, I'll love u till the day I die. My dream is for u and mak to see me working and take the whole family to dinner after i get my first paycheck. I want to take care of u and mak. I pray to Allah that our family will stick together no matter what happens.


love u.

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