Jan 1, 2011

happy new year

i spent the new year with a bunch of friends :)
syeda, mimi, sare and ain.
it was good, we went to klcc and um with FOODS :)
we watched SAW7. which is like disgusting..
like always
but we had funnn!

the pichaaaa!

cacat peace?
sare n momo!
ada orang syok sendiri!


with kakak hotz! WASHIDA WAHIM!

can't fit..sebab sare..hue3

mimi comellll!

ps; new lumberjack check shirt.
loveeeeee it :)

alolololo comelnye kak limah ^_^

ps; oh3. lupe nak cakap. ini ditujukan untuk someone. kau igt kawan aku nak sgt kawan ngan kau? elok pun kau pergi. pfffft!

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